228 Results
WBA was recognized for its commitment to reimagining the healthcare experience and innovative efforts towards achieving this goal.
Learn about Shields Health Solutions and how their clinical pharmacists improve the lives of patients, behind the scenes.
For the first time in Walgreens surveillance history, the Walgreens Flu Index did not show a second wave of flu this season.
Walgreens Chief Pharmacy Officer Rick Gates talks about his passion for pharmacy, career path and what has kept him at the company for nearly three decades.
Anita Allemand, Ramita Tandon, Lisa Min Hu and Chidebelu Ufodike explain why advancing health equity is their calling for National Minority Health Month.
Walgreens and Village Medical launch a new medication reconciliation pilot to help patients better manage their prescription regimens, reduce confusion, and experience better health outcomes.
Pharmacist Harry Webster shares his personal and professional journeys with HIV, and how a first-of-its kind offering from Walgreens can help end the HIV epidemic in the U.S. by 2030.
Walgreens leaders share plans to empower communities of color through the company's new clinical trial business.