Make space in your medicine cabinet, because over-the-counter COVID-19 tests are now available at Walgreens stores nationwide. Access to COVID-19 testing has always been a top priority in the fight against the pandemic, whether in terms of developing at-home products or offering abundant testing locations at Walgreens pharmacies. Recently, the number of Walgreens drive-thru testing sites across the country expanded to 6,000 locations in order to ensure the majority of Americans can be within a short drive of a test.
Editor's note: For the latest information about over-the-counter COVID tests at Walgreens, please read "At-home COVID-19 tests: Your questions answered."
In the early weeks of the pandemic, Mike Parkis, senior director, divisional merchandise manager of health and wellness products, focused his efforts on sourcing personal protective equipment like masks to meet demand. Once he and his team increased supplies in stores, they pivoted to collaborating with diagnostic companies to ensure self-test kits would be available as quickly as possible. Fast forward to today, and Walgreens offers four options: Abbott's BinaxNOW™ COVID-19 Self Test (2 tests for $23.99), QuickVue At-Home OTC COVID-19 Test Kit (2 tests for $23.99) and Pixel by Labcorp™ COVID-19 PCR Test ($124.99). Although all feature the short nasal swab method of testing,
customers can use Abbott and QuickVue's rapid self-test for results in under 15 minutes, or Pixel by Labcorp's laboratory-tested option, which include free shipping and results under 48 hours once self-collected samples are received by the labs.
“Providing a lower-cost test with fast results to inform customers and help them make the right choices was our goal,” says Parkis. “We want people to have peace of mind and comfort as they make decisions on how to resume activities while we make our way through the pandemic. We’re proud to offer free drive-thru testing, but this expands options for people who are asymptomatic and unable to make an appointment or need a quick result from home.”
In addition to being available in store, the tests can be purchased at, for curbside pickup or same-day delivery where available. Customers do not need to fill out any questionnaires about symptoms or recent travel to purchase a test. “If you think about the stage we’re at in the pandemic, there are going to continue to be changes around restrictions and social distancing requirements,” comments Parkis. “This will be a game-changer when offices and small businesses reopen, or when the travel industry ramps back up. Folks want to gather with their families. Providing people with easy access to tests that help determine if they’re positive or negative will help make reunions feel safer."
Like having a thermometer on hand to check your temperature, having a COVID-19 self-test in your medicine cabinet is a simple way to get quick results on your health status.
“We have been preparing for months so we could get these products to market quickly,” says Parkis. “We don’t put health products on the shelves lightly, without rigorous review and consultation. We’re thrilled to get these on as many shelves as possible.”
We are working with Government and Health Plan partners to ensure customers have the best possible experience in seeking reimbursement for their over-the-counter COVID-19 tests. At this time, customers are able to purchase an over-the-counter test and use their receipt to seek reimbursement. We ask for patience as we make this complex process as smooth as possible.
For more information on your COVID-19 testing options, visit
To download B-roll footage of OTC COVID-19 tests in stores, visit our media asset library.